Showing posts with label Happy Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Holidays. Show all posts

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy ID4 to all, and to all let the fireworks blow patriotically

07/04/2021 Have fun everyone!

Today we celebrate our independence day from the once oppression of the east. Funny since we’re now facing it again but this time in the form of the CCP, and IRAN, and Russia who are all bent on taking over our country. The fast radical left stops it nothing day in and day out selling us out to these evil enemies of our sovereignty.

Myself having got here in 1980 legally and knowing the horrors of what could happen is communism takes over your country I sleep worried for this country as many in it are now working against the very core, and freedoms we often take for granted. IF We learn anything from history is that we cannot repeat our mistakes and expect to a better outcome by giving evil ideologies another chance.

This is why we must protect our country, flag, and honor our soldiers domestic and abroad. We must respect, and honor our veterans, and protect our constitution at all cost. I’m agnostic, and don’t practice any religion. But I do believe that all man/woman were created as equal in the eyes of the creator or creators. Whoever that or they be…. Whatever “GOD” is I’m sure there is love there, and love is what must always bring us together.

Often I see so much hate coming from the left it’s really just maddening to think some of these people are so brainwashed that they develop double standards that are unfounded, and go without logic or reason. This is why we cannot allow ourselves to be brought down by the same evil mentality and must always stay safe of such evil ways. Like Trump said be “Peaceful but Patriotic.” We simply cannot forget where we came from, and why we’re here.

Check out this podcast I was invited to speak on with friend and fantastic host himself Dave Milner, along with a few speakers besides myself they had on Kaiser and many others… Everyone check out his show, and bookmark it. Great show…