Showing posts with label Al-Qaeda.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al-Qaeda.. Show all posts

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard told CNN that she believes the U.S. government funded ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Now who does Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard sound like, and who’s she echoing here? Talking about Syria, ISIS, and AL-Qaeda! I mean come on this stuff writes itself… So Gabbard went to Syria on a secret fact-finding mission to wade through the lies and propaganda and find out what is really happening on the ground. Immediately on her return CNN booked her for an “exclusive” interview – and Gabbard told them exactly what they didn’t want to hear: she believes the U.S. government funded ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Explaining to Jake Tapper that she met people from all walks of life in Aleppo and Damascus, Gabbard said that Syrians “expressed happiness and joy at seeing an American walking their streets.” But they also wanted to know “why is it that the United States, its allies and other countries, are providing support, are providing arms, to terrorist groups like Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, who are on the ground there, raping, kidnapping, torturing, and killing the Syrian people?

“They asked me why is the United States supporting these terrorist groups who are destroying Syria – when it was Al-Qaeda who attacked the United States on 9/11, not Syria.

“I didn’t have an answer for that.” That was more than Jake Tapper, who was hostile from the beginning of the interview, could handle. His face screwed up, Tapper lashed out, saying, “Obviously the United States government denies providing any sort of help to the terrorist groups you are talking about, they say they provide help for the rebel groups.”

If that was supposed to Tapper’s knockout blow, Gabbard saw it coming a mile away. Without missing a beat, she calmly deconstructed his ideological, and savagely wrong, talking points. “The reality is, Jake – and I’m glad you bought up that point – every place that I went, every person I spoke to, I asked this question to them. And without hesitation, they said ‘there are no moderate rebels, who are these moderate rebels that people keep speaking of?’

“Regardless of the name of these groups, the strongest fighting force on the ground in Syria is Al-Nusra or Al-Qaeda and ISIS. That is a fact. There are a number of different other groups, all of them are fighting alongside, with or under the command of the strongest group on the ground that is trying to overthrow Assad.”

There are no “moderate rebels” in Syria. The opposition to Assad is led by ISIS and Al-Qaeda – and they are raping, kidnapping and murdering Syrian women, men and children – and any smaller rebel groups fighting against Assad are fighting in coalition with ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

These are the groups the U.S. government were funding and supporting, and this was under the OBAMA administration…. This is what TRUMP has been saying all along. Trump has been saying that Obama/Clinton helped ISIS gain power. She’s now saying the truth about what’s happening, and she’s echoing TRUMP. Shocking to hear from someone on the left pretty much saying what Trump has been saying for years now.

Another good read: