Family tragedy my eldest cousin is missing! Nelson Molinet Espino

Sweetwater Police seek public’s help in locating my blood cousin who is suffering with cognitive impairment. Nelson Molinet Espino is my blood cousin and he's well known politically also is his wife.

They were revolutionaries against the Castro government in Cuba and got arrested years ago in Cuba for protesting the Castro Goverment. 

SWEETWATER, FLA. (WSVN) - The Sweetwater Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in locating a 59-year-old man diagnosed with cognitive impairment. Mr. Nelson Molinet was last seen by his family on August 7, at his residence at 11042 SW 4 Street, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 

Described as standing at 5′ 09″ and weighing approximately 160 lbs., Mr. Molinet is a White Hispanic male and has grey hair with a balding pattern. He was last seen wearing a black Puma T-shirt, blue jeans and black Sketchers shoes. 

Mr. Molinet was seen in Hialeah on the same day, specifically at 766 E 25 Street, at around 4:00 p.m. During this sighting, he was holding a blue plastic shopping bag. Authorities are urging anyone with relevant information about Mr. Molinet’s whereabouts to immediately contact Detective Richard Brioso of Unit 611 at 786-413-9922, or any detective from the Sweetwater Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Section at (305) 552-9900.

Backstory info:  

Nelson Molinet Espino, Political Prisoner of the Week, (01/07/07) 

CUBA: Relatives of political prisoners react to latest news about pending releases 
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DOCS in the case 
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