Beach Boy Mike Love afraid to perform the band’s hit “Surfer Girl,” fearing backlash!

Wow so one of ROCK-N-ROLL's greatest ever former Beach Boy Mike Love announced at a recent concert that he was afraid to perform the band’s hit song “Surfer Girl,” fearing backlash because the lyrics were “gender specific.” 

Mike Love expressed concern with a jab aimed at Anheuser-Busch (makes sense! HAHA) and the recent brouhaha surrounding the company’s brief but ill-fated partnership with trans-identifying influencer Dylan Mulvaney joking that he hoped there wasn’t “anyone from Budweiser” once again! HAHA! Love Mike Love... lol Wait... Never mind lol   “At any rate, this next song. I’m a little concerned about doing, on account of … it’s gender specific,” he began, prompting laughter and applause from the crowd. “And … I hope there’s nobody from Budweiser here … or the FBI.”

“Sorry, I apologize in advance for anything I might say or do … it’s a family tradition, you know what I’m saying?” Love joked, before adding, “This is dedicated to all the ladies.” 

 “Good for #MikeLove, who is clearly kidding here but the threat of ruinous bullying is very real for Americans who refuse to bend the knee to today’s gender mafia,” Mark Davis tweeted in response to the video. 

“The real fear is Jonah Hill bursting onto the stage like the Kool Aid man because Mike Love had the audacity to sing about his woman,” another joked.

The Jonah Hill joke appeared to be a reference to the actor’s recently-leaked text messages, in which he listed “surfing with men” as an activity that his ideal partner would not do.

On that list, Hill also included “boundaryless inappropriate friendships with men,” a need “to post pictures of yourself in a bathing suit,” and “friendships with women who are in unstable places and from your wild recent past beyond getting a lunch or coffee or something respectful.”

Critics attacked Hill for first pursuing a woman who had posted such photos of herself, calling his stance hypocritical but as Daily Wire host Candace Owens pointed out, Hill had not criticized her for posting them before but had instead asked the woman to stop posting such photos after they got together.

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