UPDATE: Darrell Neely Still MIA!

Well this folks is getting dire and we’re really worried about our friend “Darrell Neely” who seems to have gone missing for weeks now. Nobody can find him including those on his online radio network “G.E.R.N” (Global Enlightenment Radio Network) Jordan Fischer just posted this over on Twitter…

Still MIA!

There is currently growing concern for his safety and well being… This video was made to joke on when he would return. Let’s just hope he’s ok and it don’t take that long for him to come back.

Return Year 2035

All jokes a side we do wish his quick and safe return. Right now a lot of members of his online network have been left wondering what will happen to their shows, and online network in general. We will try and keep you posted here on PSN as much as possible, and to the best of our ability.

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