New Teaser for "The Batman" has fans ‘losing it’ over the Dark Knight voice by Robert Pattinson...

So in the next 24 hours or so the new trailer for the 2022 movie “The Batman” starring Robert Pattinson and Directed by Matt Reeves will be out on the net. Here we’re super hyped for this movie as big fans of both the Director, and lead actor.

Myself I loved the Nolan take and this seems darker here and more towards a horror movie take which is something I love, and always wanted to see done in the world of Batman.

I know there are some fans who are still mad that Ben Afflack isn’t in this movie and hate on Robert for simply not being Ben. But listen guys BEN left the project as Direct, Co Writer, and STARRING LEAD ACTOR.

Nobody pushed him out as he himself said he couldn’t “crack it” and so he left the role for Matt Reeves to pick up as Director and put his take together.

Now I Love what I’ve seen so far in the first teaser, and official trailer and now this teaser for the second official trailer coming out again on 10/16/2021 this to me is proof that we’re in for something special.

Here is the teaser and come back on the 16th as I post the official trailer here also…

Official Trailer 1

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