GOP Senator Accuses Biden Of 'Gaslighting' American People

In Senate floor remarks, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) slammed the policies and messaging of the Biden Administration. Nothing will happen until we the CITIZENS OF THE USA ARREST them OURSELVES.

Everything said in this video is 100% real.. Joe Biden I say it again belongs getting Waterboarded in GITMO! He’s a criminal and not a real President. They all know they stole the election, and they know they’re causing all these crisis, and they’re doing this on purpose folks. Nothing is being done by accident or bad karma or luck. The radical left is openly trying to destroy our constitution and take away our rights and hand our country over to our enemies the CCP, and Russia. They claim Trump was sold out to these two countries and now we all know this was “The big LIE” and not what they claim about Trump.

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