Crowd Boos Joe Biden At Congressional Baseball Game

So the fans gave the father of Hunter Biden himself Joey Crack Biden an earful of dissatisfaction at Nationals Stadium on Wednesday during the annual charity game played by members of Congress and traditionally attended by staff of both parties. Boy was this exciting to watch……. IF DC is turning on him be careful folks it’s going to be a bumpy road for the left in the midterms, and the 2024 elections.

The Con Artist the left insists is a legit PRESIDENT Joe Biden was booed hard by DC’s hometown crowd during a surprise appearance at the Congressional game as lawmakers quibble over his $4.7trillion infrastructure and social spending agenda. Which will help collapse our economy. Sadly some on the left who are not educated in how the economy works, and how this will cause mass inflation and will not help us in anyway. But some folks can’t be helped, and so these evil leftists are literally getting away with murder.

This video along with others from the previous last few weeks including videos from 9/11 recently in games people booed him. The people are waking up and these people need to be removed from office and arrested for their crimes. Some news outlets have added cheers, and claps to lie and mislead this whole thing. These people will not let even you the people be heard on how much you hate this man.

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