Nicki Minaj feels the burn from her own side! This is comedy gold!

OK This is very funny and I can’t say we didn’t see it coming after all the left loves to eat it’s own…. Very democrat, socialist, and loud mouth Nicki Minaj who loves Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden and voted for the left is under fire by the left. The left eats it’s own and folks they threw her under the bus FAST!

All because she used her mind for once and she had questions about the JAB! This got so bad that Tucker Carlson came out and defended her, so did Candace Owens. People who are clearly witnessing that this folks is cancel culture eating it’s own. Check out the video below by Nicki herself from Instagram as she talks about being thrown off Twitter. You know the same place TRUMP was kicked out off for tweeting his thoughts. Which is what twitter was all about wasn’t it? To tweet out your thoughts?

Candace Owens REACTS To Nicki Minaj Being Attacked By The Media & Cancel Culture Over Her Opinion… lol Oh man the hypocrisy…

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