Rep. Dan Bishop Mocks Stacey Abrams' Claims About Voting Laws

This is just hilarious as Republican Lawmaker Mocks Stacey Abrams’ Claims About Voting Laws. This bitch and the gap between her teeth is a giant joke! Stacey Abrams and her Judge sister are both morons, and sold out to the left. Cannot believe there are anyone who actually take these people serious.

In House floor remarks on Tuesday against Democrats’ voting rights bill, Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) mocked Stacey Abrams’ past claim that GOP-led voting reform laws are “Jim Crow 2.0.” Remember they say that vaccine id’s are ‘necessary’ but voter id is ‘racist’… Now i think this man has a point about abuse and entrenchment, and we know the swamp is deep, and again the “GAP” aka “Stacey Abrams” is a swamp creature, and she belongs in GITMO with her judge sister, and the rest of the SWAP members in Congress, and the Senate which are Democrats, and RINOS! The GAP here refused to concede her loss in GA but liked to trash Trump for asking for there to check into the Voter fraud which is clear that took place in GA during the 2020 elections. Shameful people but are you shocked? I’m not…

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