Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Both Trump & Pence Trashes Biden saying ‘Broke Our Deal With The Taliban’

So check this out! Former Vice President Mike Pence just unloaded on sippycup Joe “PEDO/Crackhead” Biden in a scathing oped for his botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. In his Wall Street Journal oped, Pence claimed that Biden broke the Donald Trump administration’s deal with the Taliban, which created a “foreign-policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis.”

Pence explained that the Trump administration had made a deal with the Taliban that agreed for an orderly U.S. withdrawal from the region in exchange for an end to all attacks on U.S. military personnel. It also agreed on an end to providing terrorist safe harbor, and the start of negotiations with the Afghan government. “By the time we left office, the Afghan government and the Taliban each controlled their respective territories, neither was mounting major offensives, and America had only 2,500 U.S. troops in the country the smallest military presence since the war began in 2001,” wrote Pence.

“When Mr. Biden became president, he quickly announced that U.S. forces would remain in Afghanistan for an additional four months without a clear reason for doing so,” he continued.

“There was no plan to transport the billions of dollars worth of American equipment recently captured by the Taliban, or evacuate the thousands of Americans now scrambling to escape Kabul, or facilitate the regional resettlement of the thousands of Afghan refugees who will now be seeking asylum in the U.S. with little or no vetting,” Pence stated.

“Rather, it seems that the president simply didn’t want to appear to be abiding by the terms of a deal negotiated by his predecessor,” he said. “Once Mr. Biden broke the deal, the Taliban launched a major offensive against the Afghan government and seized Kabul. They knew there was no credible threat of force under this president,” Pence concluded. “They’ve seen him kowtow to anti-Semitic terrorist groups like Hamas, restore millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority, and sit by earlier this year while thousands of rockets rained down on Israeli civilians.” Pence had previously taken to Twitter to address the Afghanistan situation over the weekend. “The Biden Administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan dishonors the memory of those heroic Americans who gave the last full measure of devotion and all who bravely served there defending freedom these past 20 years,” he tweeted. “God Bless Our Troops & Our Allies in this Dark Hour.”

And Saturday, former President Trump blasted President Joe Biden for not “following the plan” his administration left behind for withdrawing from Afghanistan, and also demanded that Biden ‘resign in disgrace’ for the ensuing disaster. Trump has released multiple statements about the still-fluid situation and Biden’s role in it.

Trump said of Biden, “He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America. The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground.” “After I took out ISIS, I established a credible deterrent,” Trump added. “That deterrent is now gone. The Taliban no longer has fear or respect for America, or America’s power.”

During his presidential campaigns, Trump vowed to end America’s “endless” wars, like the two decade old conflict in Afghanistan. Trump began to draw down the number of U.S. troops while he was still president and had set a deadline of May 1 for complete withdrawal. Trump said ending the war was “a wonderful and positive thing to do.” Later on Sunday, Trump called on Biden to resign.

Trump’s statement come in the wake of Biden releasing a statement on Saturday in which the administration blamed Trump for the disaster. Team Biden said Trump is to blame for leaving the Taliban “in the strongest position militarily since 2001.” Biden said, “When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on US forces.”

“Shortly before he left office, he also drew US forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500,” Biden added. Biden said Trump’s policies gave him little choice. The president said that thanks to Trump’s Afghanistan policy, he either had to send more troops “to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict” or get the troops out of the chaotic country.

On Friday, the second and third-largest cities in Afghanistan were taken over by the Taliban, effectively giving them full control. There needs to be accountability and the Biden white house needs to go! From Joe Biden who’s clearly comprimissed by our enemies with his sons laptops alone let alone the fact we know JOE is sold out to China/Russia/IRAN/Venezuela, and other evil players around the world. This man isn’t fit mentally or morally to be in office. Oh and neither is the non-African American VeePee of his Kamala “The Ugandan liar” Harris who remember said she was “African American” all during her time running for office which she did so badly she had to bow out with her tail between her leg. She who is of INDIA, Jamaican roots NOT African American at all since her dad the Jamaican is also from Indian roots. NOTHING in her is African American well not since Willie Brown and Montel Williams stopped getting in that ass of hers.

These people are a joke, and are bent on destroying the country and the world… They need to be removed, and order needs to be restored. This is chaos caused by the democRATS and their leaders the CCP/Russia/IRAN and yes the Taliban. These people are sold out agents to them. Hunter Biden who had 3 laptops stolen full of crap which includes his having sex with under age girls, prostitutes, and smoking crack is all troublesome to say the least. BUT the fact that he’s on video talking to a hooker about Russians stealing his latop top is enough to make BIDEN have to resign from being POTUS. He’s without a doubt compromissed. This is a fact not a joke and not some cooky QAnon conspiracy. Cus FUCK QANON we don’t follow them here on PSN. We do PURE SOLID NEWS, and we don’t follow crazy stuff but tell it 100% how it is.

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