Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Twitter temporarily suspended freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Twitter temporarily suspended freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., on Monday for sharing misinformation downplaying the severity of the coronavirus as well as the benefits of getting vaccinated. Which ok so again she gave her opinion that social media didn’t agree with so they just up and suspended her for the day based on her remarks, which earned her a 12-hour suspension. Oh Twitter when will you learn? You let others who make much worse comments who are on the radical socialist/marxist loving left get away with but when someone like her posts anything even something fact based you block her, and deem her to be spreading lies? Come on now! So in response to a Sunday tweet by embattled surgeon Dr. David Samadi, a regular expert on Fox News who said “In the United Kingdom,” Samadi wrote, “47% of new COVID-19 cases are vaccinated people.” 

Greene responded to Samadi later that day: “This is why no entity should force NON-FDA approved vaccines or masks. Instead help people protect their health by defeating obesity, which will protect them from covid [sic] complications & death, and many other health problems. We should invest in health, not human experimentation.” As someone who is “obese” myself I fully understand what she means, and she’s 100% correct in her statement. My condition is caused due to thyroid, and other health issues not over eating but she’s still right.

Greene fired off another round of what Twitter flagged as “misleading” on Monday following a tweet by Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., who claimed he’d received a tip from a military source warning that a substantial number of officers would resign if a vaccine mandate was applied to service members.

“The controversial #COVID19 vaccines should not be forced on our military for a virus that is not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65,” Greene said in response. “With 6,000 vax related deaths and many concerning side effects reported, the vax should be a choice not a mandate for everyone.” Twelve-hour suspensions are typically doled out in cases where the offender has violated Twitter’s policies at least once or twice. Additional violations could earn Greene a permanent suspension. The Republican blamed “communist California” for getting her “canceled.”

“As if I haven’t been canceled enough this past week, now Twitter has banned me for 12 hours,” she said on Newsmax following her suspension on Monday. “We are being canceled and our speech is being canceled,” she continued, according to Mediate. “And we’re being blamed for it. So you can see what’s going on. This is communism. This is communism when you have American cities canceling two members of Congress’s events at private venues,” she said, referring to recently canceled rallies for her and Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who is currently under federal investigation.

“Twitter, who is playing a big part and a role with Big Tech and Facebook and the White House apparently the Joe and the Biden administration in censoring Americans, along with the communist cities in communist California who doesn’t [sic] believe that America first represents their values, in Anaheim or Riverside.”

Greene who has been labeled by the radical crazy leftist socialist class in this country as a “far-right spreader of myriad conspiracy theories” has over the last year built up a reputation for herself as perhaps the foremost congressional Covid denialists, often disputing the danger of the virus or downplaying the need for public health precautions, including getting vaccinated. But wait the left who are the biggest “Conspiracy theory” nuts on the planet! I know this because in working in podcasting, and blogging I deal with both sides, and the left is FULL of crazy people who get mad over nothing sometimes jokes, and then say the right is full of people with no sense of humor who spread conspiracy! Mind you this from a party full of people who believe in “That Oswald killed JFK on his own,” that the “Democrats did a party switch in the 60s,” that there was “ZERO proof of rigging in the 2020 elections” and that the Hunter Biden LAPTOP wasn’t real… Now we all know that the left pushes lies beyond belief but this one here folks again takes the cake..

Back in May, Greene’s comments prompted a downpour of backlash when she compared Nazi Germany to a Tennessee grocery store program of having employees wear “vaccination logos.” And if you don’t think that what she saying has merit it’s your opinion but she has the right to say it in a free and open society, and this is what Twitter forgets, and thus this is what their biggest failure here is. What she said is real, and it’s more honest than anything AOC and her Fraud Squad ever says and that goes un noticed, and un checked by the radicals on Twitter.

“Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s [sic] forced Jewish people to wear a gold star,” tweeted Greene. “Vaccine passports & mask mandates create discrimination against unvaxxed people who trust their immune systems to a virus that is 99% survivable.” Nothing in her statement is wrong.

Greene drew a more recent Nazi analogy in July when describing Biden administration health officials as “medical brownshirts,” suggesting that the vaccine rollout likens Nazi totalitarianism. And the way Biden runs his administration is like a Dictatorship of Anti American views, and mostly CCP, and Socialist/DemocRATS views.

“Biden pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved shows covid is a political tool used to control people,” the lawmaker tweeted. “People have a choice, they don’t need your medical brown shirts showing up at their door ordering vaccinations. You can’t force people to be part of the human experiment.” Again all true! These Kill Shots are NOT FDA approved… Period!

Greene’s latest comments come amid substantial pushback from the White House against Covid-related misinformation. On Friday, President Biden said that social media sites like Facebook were “killing people” as a result of their failure to moderate misinformation about the virus and vaccine. No Joe YOU’RE Killing people, jobs, the economy, and the way American enjoy their liberties, and freedoms… You, and your radical leftists.

After criticism from Facebook, Biden watered down his rhetoric, suggesting that only certain social media users rather than Facebook itself is responsible for the promulgation of misinformation. Yeah he’s a coward, and roll over for the socialist media mob, and when they called him and told him to pipe down he bent over and took his words back.

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