Thursday, July 1, 2021

Democrats criticised after yelling and screaming as Ohio Republican attempts to amend a bill

OK Folks when people act like this in congress while someone is reading a bill they’re trying to get into being looked at it should show you the level of childish behavior coming from the DemocRATS. This is more of this “It’s what we want and screw you!” mentality along with this cry baby syndrome that it’s “My way or the highway” way of looking at things. 

This bill is logical, and protects women’s sports from this continued onslaught of Transgender men who are shattering records, and stealing medals from gender female born athletes. A Lot of these same women are lesbian so the irony here is the Transgenders are fighting Lesbians and Heterosexual women who want to compete in sports aimed for women. 

These are trans MALES who are born male and compete in girls sports. Folks for people on the left who push Science to clearly ignore how wrong this is well it’s mind boggling.

Furious Democrats have behaved “childishly” by yelling and pounding their desks while Ohio Republican Jena Powell attempted to speak on an amendment to a state bill banning biological males from female sports. Jena Powell attempted to add an amendment to the Ohio NIL bill – the ‘Name.Image, Likeness’ bill – which allows college athletes to profit off their name, image and likeness.

Ms Powell’s amendment would see biological males banned from competing in female sports. The state Republican told the House it was an amendment needed for women trying to achieve their dreams in sport. “It’s crucial to preserving women’s rights and the integrity of women’s and girls’ sports,” she said. “Across our country, female athletes are currently losing scholarships, opportunities, medals, education and training opportunities.” As Ms Powell addressed the House she was met with furious banging and yelling from the Democrats.

The behavior from Democrats has been met with criticism online. “This is my state. I don’t know who that man is, but I would like to know all the people who behaved so childishly,” one Twitter user wrote. “Those behaving that way have no business being allowed in a room where laws are being discussed let alone voting on what will or will not be made a law,” another said. The NIL bill was passed in the Ohio House including Jena Powell’s amendment and will return to Ohio Senate to vote on.

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