President Donald Trump called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell a “dumb son of a bitch” LMAO! #Facts

This is why I love President Donald Trump! He never fails to call people out for what they really are, and in the end he’s been right more then he’s been wrong. I think we can say Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio he was wrong on those two guys have earned mountains of respect over the last 3 years. But Trump just called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell a “dumb son of a bitch” as he used a Saturday night speech to Republicans to blame him for not helping overturn the 2020 election and reiterated that he won the November contest. Which as is what most know is fact, and we just can’t say it in public or else the communist/socialist controlled Media, and Social Media will hunt you down, and destroy your life.

Trump was speaking to a Republican National Committee gathering at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., excoriated a number of Republicans even as he publicly called for party unity focusing on those who voted to convict him in impeachment proceedings. But he saved his sharpest vitriol for the Kentucky Republican. “If that were Schumer instead of this dumb son of a bitch Mitch McConnell they would never allow it to happen. They would have fought it,” he said of election certifying on Jan. 6, the day his supporters led an insurrection on the Capitol to block Joe Biden’s formal victory. Remember folks Hillary told Biden NOT TO CONCEDE NO MATTER WHAT if he lost… So yeah Trump isn’t playing.

Trump spent much of the speech, with many senators in the room, lashing into his former ally in personal terms, often to cheers from the party’s top donors. He claimed that he won the Senate election for McConnell in Kentucky and attacked his wife, Elaine Chao, who served as Trump’s transportation secretary.

“I hired his wife. Did he ever say thank you?” Trump said. He also spoke on how Chao resigned in response to the Jan. 6 events and Trump’s behavior that day. Which was nothing that caused the riot or whatever that was because if that was such a big deal! What was the 2020 “Summer of Love” and the “Chop” I mean that caused thousands of lives, hundreds were cops who lost their lives, and 150Billion in damages. All endorsed by the congress, and including now sitting VPee Kamala Harris.

“She suffered so greatly,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He later called McConnell a “stone cold loser.” A spokesman for McConnell could not immediately be reached, and really who cares? The speech was hilarious at time but very truthful as he light up those who he saw as not just betraying him but the country, and selling us out to a socialist/communist left.

He did not directly address his 2024 plans other than to express confidence about the Republican nominee winning an attendee said, preferring instead to look back at the last election. He reiterated many of his claims soon after beginning his remarks and dove into particular states in detail, such as Georgia which I’ve been speaking about being a major issue for over 2 years, and it became exactly what I predicted… But he also continued and dug into Pennsylvania, continuing to remind us that he won them and attacking politicians such as Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R). I’m sure Kemp is now regretting his move as look at what he’s going thru himself.

He spoke for about an hour, according to an attendee, and bragged that he had tossed his prepared and “boring” speech, the attendee said. “Bullshit,” he said about the election, before polling the room of Republican donors on whether they believed he won. He also said that most Democrats also believe he won but just won’t say so out loud, an attendee said.

Trump said the crowd at his rally preceding the Capitol attack was so large that “some people say it was over a million people” because supporters were upset about fraud and said he was “disappointed” in Vice President Mike Pence for certifying the election later that day. He expressed no regret about his actions on that day. Again he did nothing wrong, and was within his legal, and constitutional right to be there, be vocal, and he did not go into the capitol, and at no time did he tell anyone to do so.

“I wish that Mike Pence had the courage to send it back to the legislatures … I like him so much. I was so disappointed,” Trump said. The Republican Party paid more than $100,000 to the former president’s club to hold the event there, with the rest of the festivities at the nearby Four Seasons resort. McConnell was not there, and he has not spoken to Trump in months, telling advisers he never plans to speak to him again.

Trump attacked many of his favorite targets, such as Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s leading epidemiologist, even mocking Fauci for his first pitch last season at Nationals Park a frequent Trump taunt. He claimed that Fauci only received credit because he opposed Trump, an attendee said, and joked that Fauci wanted people to wear five masks after not initially supporting masks.

“Have you ever seen anybody that is so full of crap?” he said of Fauci. Trump also said, without saying who, that someone recently suggested to him that the vaccine should be called the “Trumpcine.” He bragged about his handling of the pandemic, dismissing the widespread criticism of his approach and not mentioning the more than 500,000 who have died of covid-19.

He praised Republicans who have ignored public health concerns about opening and reopening their states, such as South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Reprising an attack from the day he launched his campaign in 2015, he called some illegal immigrants “murderers, rapists and drug dealers.” Which we all now know they are, and again he’s been proven right on… The numbers, and science doesn’t lie here, and Trump is 100% correct.

“They’re coming in from the Middle East. They’re not sending their best people. You have murderers, you have rapists, you have drug dealers,” Trump said. Again this is very much fact. He again said he was impeached “over a perfect phone call” and said he was jealous of Democrats for sticking together to vote against him. He said Republicans needed to be just as unified.

“We can’t have these guys that like publicity,” he said. Which is true again this is what the left is all they want is power, publicity, and as much fame as possible. They want to hurt the rest of us while they gain over us, and Trump knows the game they’re playing, and the one you’re all being fooled by. He’s saying it again how it is.

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