Systemic Racism by police is not just a big lie it’s impossible in today’s climate, and society… HERE IS WHY I Say this folks… See LOTS of cops are Black or Latino now if there was a system which teaches them to be racist one would think systemic racism would be more out in the open, and for at least 20-30 years there would be some more outspoken people on this trying to stop it from these black/latino cops! You think? Now the way that systemic racism works is if it’s taught to people, and that again would mean they’re taught to target an individual based on race and kill them off!? But wait isn’t this what the Left is very guilty of doing to “White conservative males” especially Trump supporters?
The case on a national average has the majority of police shootings which involve a dead person is whites getting shot by cops. This has been the highest % for decades! And funny enough the people who do commit the most crime in this country are BLACK & LATINOS! I’m mixed Latino with Black in my family so pipe down im not some white racist behind a computer. But I call it how it is.
Now the media doesn’t cover facts because the MEDIA, and Social Media.. Much like gun control this is just the lefts tactic to get the police hate and have the people call for them to be defunded because if you remove the guns from people who legally have them for protection, and you remove the cops you have a world with criminals who are Antifa/BLM and this radical leftist marxist would be in charge or the streets. Good luck when they come knocking on your door trying to hurt you, or rob you. By the way LeChump James said publicly that he hates white people, and yet nobody batted an eye, and he got a pass. Think about this. Had that been a white NBA player who said he hates blacks you think he would still be playing in the NBA? So where is this systemic racist behavior in this country? Perhaps the real victims of “systemic racism” are white conservative heterosexual males? Since this seems to be the main target of the left.
But what they really want here which is Sharia LAW, and this folks is the base for all that’s happening in this country since 911! This entire crap is being fed to you the people by the good folks on the left who are radical Muslims…. The Muslim brotherhood, and Antifa/BLM are all in co-hoots, and the left either sells out or is suicided.. This is why the Fraud Squad who have no real power but yet they speak gibberish and the leftist congress bows to them! INCLUDING BIDEN with this GREEN NEW STEAL bullshit plan..
These criminals only their position due to them being controlled by the people making these radical moves behind the scenes who use women of color as puppets for their agenda since it’s an easy win… Anyone calls them out for their bad behavior, racist tones, actual call to violence, an nothing happens to them cause again you call them on it, and you’re called a “RACIST/BIGOT & Misogynist.”
Them being women of color gives them a get out of jail pass. You think had Trump said half of the crap that Maxine Waters or AOC lies about or says racist he would have not had the entire left, and country trying to convict him of crimes against humanity? They tried to impeach him twice based on lies, and bullshit to get themselves in a position they could spring this Covid19 or Kung FLU from CHINA on the world, and they’re doing it for power.
This is a global power grab by the elitists. You have to be blind, def or stupid to not see this for what it is. This is Hitler type behavior by the radical left, and the entire leftist congress is knee deep in it. Especially the “women of color” and hell ill say it everyone in congress on the left is fully sold out. The right have their sellout Rinos also like Romney, Chaney, and a handful of them. They know who they are.
These people don’t give a shit about any of us! IF They did they wouldn’t be spending trillions on bullshit we don’t need, and would just give people 2k a month for the rest of this year to help them get through the hardest time economically we have ever faced. BUT They rather spend money on abortions in Sri Lanka, and bullshit on fucking roads, and shit we already are spending billions fixing. WE Give taxes on a yearly basis to cover those expenses, and why do we pay tolls then? Where the fuck is that money going if it’s not to build roads? The money goes for what then?
This is all bullshit folks it’s money they’re laundering telling you it’s being used for one thing and it’s not. The left has been hanging out our tax money for decades to CCP, Russia, IRAN, and other countries which love to yell out “DEATH TO AMERICA!”
Let’s not forget that fooling the masses is easy! Just control the flow of information, and the narrative… They have that since the media, and social media are all sold out. Hey even Fakebooks owner is married to a Chinese woman who’s a communist, and loves her CCP. Wonder why Fakebook is censoring the right? Mark Suckerturd is a sellout leftist moron who married into the CCP.
Remember Eric Swallowswell? Who lead the Trump Russia hoax? He was dating a CCP spy and had another working for him the entire time of the impeachment, and they only “broke up” when it became public that he was dating her. See folks this isn’t hard to figure out. Now we can either go quiet, and let the mob rule or we can fight back. Only issue is when you fight back even if its self defense the media, social media, congress, and the president will call you a racist, nazi.
Funny since more black families got torn apart thanks to JOE BIDEN and KAMALA Harris then by the hands of anyone else. BIDEN who wrote or was involved in every crime bill since the 80s helped put away hundreds of thousands of innocent black men. Kamala prosecuted a lot of them, and even withheld proof of people on death rows innocence because she was paid to do so. She’s pure evil, and she’s NOT black or African American as she claims. Being from an “INDIAN” family does NOT make you black. Her mother is from india, and her dad is jamaican but with roots from india also. Meaning Kamala is indian NOT black.
She’s also married to a white guy. I have more black in my blood then she does. But you see how her lies about her own race, and racist past is important? She lies, lies, and lies some more than laughs like a fucking moron at everything or whenever she’s asked anything hard she cant or wont answer… And so does BIDEN but the media covers it up, and the sheepish idiots who are so radicalized by this nonsense believe all their bullshit.
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