Biden Attacks Farms - Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply - Engineered Famine

The Biden misAdministration’s executive actions in the last few days are attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food, accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s USDA with a Net-Zero goal, changing COVID guidance on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants. So not just did his Keystone Pipeline executive order hurt us badly! Now he’s attacking how we ear, and hurting us at the core of our food industry.

Meanwhile, the media is finally acknowledging the soybean shortage, and the US is now also experiencing a fertilizer shortage, which will further increase costs and cause yields will collapse. As other countries stop exporting to protect domestic supplies, the US has been wholly sold out. This confluence of issues and cascading failures merits our attention urgently start growing food today folks because soon Publix, Walmart Foods, and all these outlets which carry food on a massive scale will be as dry as the desert of tunisia..

On top of this now fast food places will have also massive layoffs coming soon since the new misAdministration has made a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour which only means less jobs as overhead isn’t covered due to the pandemic more places wont be able to afford full staff now at an already lower capacity as it is. Meaning more losses of jobs by “essential workers” meaning the economy will continue to suffer, and unemployeement will continue on the rise. When we had started to see numbers go down the final few months of the Trump Administration.

Does the Biden crime syndicate have anything good for this country in his crooked presidency? Probably not! This is only going to get worse folks.

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