Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The President wants to use unused PPP money for new coronavirus stimulus ‘immediately’ after Pelosi rejects latest plan

So while Pelosi lies, and tries to take down Trump he’s still trying to help us… He wants to use $134b in unused PPP money for new coronavirus stimulus ‘immediately’ after Pelosi rejects latest plan. He’s been on record saying as much for days if not weeks but Pelosi has blocked it at every chance.

The TRUMP administration officials have called on Congress to “immediately” pass this bill and get the money to the people but again crickets! This is not the first time he’s spoken about this, and everytime it’s ignored. Pelosi instead of rushing a Bill asked Trump has been asking for thought about removing him, and thought up a bill talking about the 25th amendment! Again showing that she’s not into what’s good for us the people but only cares about herself, and her people. The people who can afford 25K worth of Chocholate ICREAM! So on sunday in a letter to Congress, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows called the “all-or-nothing approach” by Congress “an unacceptable response to the American People.” “Now is the time for us to come together and immediately vote on a bill to allow us to spend the unused Paycheck Protection Program funds while we continue to work toward a comprehensive package,” Mnuchin and Meadows wrote in the letter.

The letter comes a coronavirus relief bill remains in question after President Trump abruptly broke off stimulus talks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but then reversed course and insisting a variety of relief measures. On Sunday, Pelosi said both sides “remain at an impasse,” as she rejected the White House’s latest $1.8trillion stimulus offer.

Meanwhile, many Senate Republicans have been wary of approving another hefty relief package. Mnuchin and Meadows said Sunday that they would continue to work with Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, to reach a deal, but insisted that in the meantime Congress should pass legislation allowing unspent PPP money to repurpose for coronavirus relief.

“Instead of compromising with us on a bipartisan legislation like we have done in the past. We will continue to try to work with Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer,” the pair wrote. “It is not just about the top-line number but also about legislation that can be passed by both the House and Senate and signed into law by President Trump to help the American people.” The PPP was designed to provide forgivable loans to cover payroll and overhead costs to keep small businesses afloat during the coronavirus recession as part of the $2.2trillion CARES Act.

The program ran out of its original $350billion in funding just two weeks after it launched and was extended by Congress with another $310billion shortly after. This isn’t the first time the idea has been proposed. In September, Mnuchin suggested the idea saying at the time that the remaining $134billion could be redirected towards restaurants, hotels and other hard-hit businesses.

Both sides have differed on a wide range of issues, including the overall price tag of the next package. The latest Democratic relief bill totals $2.2trillion, which is about $400billiom more than the latest White House offer. The president added more confusing to a chaotic week of discussion over aid. On Friday, Trump said he “would like to see a bigger stimulus package, frankly, than either the Democrats or Republicans are offering,” he told radio host Rush Limbaugh, hours after apparently signing off on the $1.8trillion offer that costs $400billion less than the Democrats’ plan.

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