The Summer of Love marches on! As BLM-MOB Storm Rochester!

The Far-left Black Lives Matter mob now stormed Rochester, New York, on Friday night, climbing on people’s homes in residential neighborhoods and trashing businesses as the Summer of Love marches on! Hey Andrew Cuomo get your state in ORDER There pal and stop blaming Trump for your failed time as GOV, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio you do the same. Better yet since you bozos can’t or won’t in DeBlasios case we know why for sure! His Troll like daughter or whatever that thing is belongs to Antifa/BLM. She was afterall arrested in the protest remember?
Oh I do… The daughter was arrested for unlawful assembly according to the city’s Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Public Information. Chiara de Blasio was at a protest in downtown Manhattan. The New York Post obtained an arrest report saying she refused to leave a Manhattan street that officers ordered cleared because people were throwing things. Chiara de Blasio was later given a court summons and released… Mayor Bill de Blasio, her daddy didn’t mention the arrest in his press briefing, and swept it under the rug…

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