Monday, September 14, 2020

Kamala Harris Endorsed Pro-Pedophile Bill SB145

Fake Black Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s running Fraud Mate, has recently endorsed the lawmaker behind the recently passed SB145. The critics consider this particular bill as a “pro-pedophile” bill for its relaxed automatic sex offender registration guidelines. This particular bill exempts some of the convicted pedophiles of “certain offenses” from mandatory sex offender registration, if the alleged person is not more than 10 years older than the minor, and when the minor’s age is between 14 and 17. The presiding judge has all rights to make the final decision.

This bill doesn’t promote or legalize pedophilia in California. However, the bill has passed the legislation of California, and if signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom, an ill-minded judge could keep a 24-year-old who had sex with a 14-year-old, from being registered as a sex offender.

Scott Wiener, a gay DemocRAT who represents California as the State Senator, was the first person to introduce the SB145 bill in January 2019. But according to Wiener, SB145 would eliminate the discrimination against LGBTQ youth in the criminal justice system of the nation. He believes that the judges already have this prejudice when it comes to having consensual vaginal sex between 14 to 17-year-old’s and adults less than ten years older than the minor partner. The critics are saying that this bill should not provide exemptions for only some sex offenders, but rather exempt all sex offenders to achieve equity. IN Other words they coming for your kids! Folks we have to vote these evil leftists pedophiles out of office. Why does ANYONE vote for these people? I mean seriously?

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