Monday, September 21, 2020

Ivanka Trump, AG William Barr & DOJ To Fight Human Trafficking!

The hottest first daughter in human history ‘Ivanka Trump’ & AG William Barr Announce $100 Million In New Funding By DOJ To Fight Human Trafficking! This is great and needed. A lot of women and kids go missing each year and more needs to be done to stop it. My assessment of whats happening is a lot of these people missing are being sold for human organs in China, and other parts of the world. Not just for sex slavery.

But the first daughter Ivanka Trump and AG William Barr went to Georgia on Monday to announce $100 million in new funding assigned by the Department of Justice to fight child trafficking. During an event in Atlanta, Ivanka argued how five years ago, the idea of human trafficking was not something “people realized was happening within the borders of our own country.”

“With over $100 million being announced today in new grants, it sets the administration’s largest ever investment in Department of Justice grants to combat the scourge of human trafficking, arguably the gravest of human rights violations,” Ivanka stated. Trump continued: “This will support victim services, it will strengthen human trafficking task force such as the great ones here in Georgia, and support unprecedented victims housing assistance across the state and nation.”

Ivanka Trump again: “The Trump administration continues to fight tirelessly to end the scourge of human trafficking in our communities.” “The leaders and community members we’re meeting with in Atlanta are on the front lines of this fight and are critical to our efforts to end this horrific crime.”

“I look forward to learning more about the critical services they provide and announcing additional funding and resources from the Trump administration to assist in these efforts,” she added.

A tweet from the DOJ: “Today, AG Barr announced $100 million in grants across the country to combat human trafficking – the largest amount from federal government in history. Funds will support state, local, [and] tribal jurisdictions, victim service providers, taskforces, and research. #EndTrafficking.”

“The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) awarded over $97.4 million to state, local and tribal jurisdictions, service providers and task forces all over the country, while OJP’s [Office of Justice Programs] National Institute of Justice awarded the remaining $3.5 million to support research and evaluation on human trafficking,” as per White House press release about the new funding.

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