Sunday, August 9, 2020

So the Democrats now say they're ready o meet half way? LOL

President Donald Trump’s executive actions on coronavirus relief as ‘absurdly unconstitutional’ and ‘way off base.'”>The do nothing DemocRATS Sunday criticized President Donald Trump’s executive actions on coronavirus relief as “absurdly unconstitutional” and “way off base.” Not shocking since they didn’t want anything passed without them adding Trillions for their “Greed New Steel” but they say the measures, which Trump signed on Saturday and did so sidestepping Congress after lawmakers failed to reach a deal on Friday, provide an additional $400 per week unemployment benefits among other relief measures such as a temporary payroll tax cut. They had weeks to meet half way, and wouldn’t. NOW That Trump signed his executive deal now they’ve changed their tune, and now they’re saying they wanna meet half way. Well they wanted 3.5Trillion……. Trump wanted 1.5Trillion, and signed off on close to what 2Trillion so if you ask me he went half way without them, and didn’t add crap from their “Greed New Steel” agenda.

My only question is are people who are unemployeed going to see a stimulus check soon beause money is running out for those of us who haven’t been able to get back to work in our line of work for over these months. Myself for over a year and half due to health, and the current pandemic.

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President Donald Trump’s executive actions on coronavirus relief as ‘absurdly unconstitutional’ and ‘way off base.'”>Trump said the federal government would fund most of the benefits with disaster relief money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He also called on states, many of which are already suffering from budget shortfalls due to the pandemic, to cover a quarter of the cost. The House Speaker by name only Nasty Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., lambasted the move in interviews with “Fox News Sunday” and CNN’s “State Of The Union.” Pelosi called the president’s actions “unconstitutional slop,” referencing a statement made a day earlier by Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.

vowed to slash permanently if he’s re-elected.”>”While he says he’s going to do the payroll tax, what he’s doing is undermining Social Security and Medicare, so these are illusions,” she said on “Fox News Sunday.” Social Security and Medicare are funded through payroll taxes, which Trump on Saturday also vowed to slash permanently if he’s re-elected. The only issue is Nasty Nancy lies so much this is also nothing but her bullshitting trying to smear Trump cause he at least did something while she sat on 4 or 5 options, and refused to meet half way on any option, and only would sign off if ALL her demands were added, and her bill would continue to further destroy the entire economy. This is their goal. In the interview on CNN, Pelosi called the measures “absurdly unconstitutional” but she would not say whether Democrats would mount a legal challenge as they previously indicated.

“Something’s wrong,” she said. “Either the president doesn’t know what he’s talking about … or something’s very wrong here about meeting the needs of the American people at this time.” He has executive power Nancy you have no ground constitutionally he was in his right to do it, and she’s powerless to do anything so she’s lying saying it’s not constituional. So she who breaks the laws whenever she wants, lies, slams the constitution, and breaks our laws claims Trump helping AMERICANS “unconstitutional” ? Shows you who, and what she only cares about. She doesn’t care about us or the country. She only cares about lying on Trump.

In an interview on “The Weak” or as ABC calls it “This Week”, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., declined to discuss whether he thought Trump’s move was illegal, saying instead that “it doesn’t do the job.” so she says, and “The president’s executive orders, described in one word, could be paltry, in three words, unworkable, weak, and far too narrow,” Schumer said, adding that they are “a big show, but it doesn’t do anything.” Schumer also said the payroll tax cut was “way off base.”

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“Employers are just going to continue to withhold the money I’ve talked to some because they don’t want their employees to be stuck with a huge bill in December,” Schumer said. “So it’s not going to pump money into the economy.” In an interview with MNSBC on Sunday, 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton called Trump’s actions “a stunt” that would hurt “every American.” “It’s a stunt, there’s no doubt about it,” she said. “It’s most likely … unconstitutional, bypassing Congress so spend money that he has no authority to direct.” Clinton who has not let her loss go, and has spent the last 4 years blaming everyone but herself also opened her mouth to criticize the effect that a payroll tax cut would have on Social Security and Medicare, which are significantly funded through those taxes. This con artist said “It’s going to hurt not just elderly Americans but every American,” she who wants to destroy this country, lied and started the Russian Hoax against Trump, laughed at the thought of a rapist raping an under age girl, and she who wants to turn this country into socialist/marxist country. I say FUCK HER in her DIRTY VAGINA! Why can’t she be Covid19 to Epsteins place in hell? Hey Hillary! GO THE FUCK AWAY!

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