Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Portland truck attack suspect Marquise Lee Love surrenders to police

Portland police have arrested the 25-year-old man accused of viciously attacking a truck driver who was seen on video being violently beaten. The jail records show that Marquise Lee Love turned himself in and was booked in the Multnomah County Detention Center on Friday shortly after 8:30 a.m. local time, according to jail records. He was charged with assault, coercion and rioting, all three of which are felonies, records show.

Police later confirmed the arrest in a news release shared on Twitter. “I am pleased the suspect in this case turned himself in and appreciate all of the efforts to facilitate this safe resolution,” said PPB Chief Chuck Lovell. “Thank you to all of the members of the public who have provided information and tips to our investigators. Your assistance is very much appreciated.”

Love, who also goes by the name “Keese Love,” appears to have been captured on video repeatedly punching and kicking a man who was later identified in reports as being Adam Haner.

In a recent interview with local affiliate FOX 12 Oregon, Haner said after crashing his car, he felt someone was “yanking” him out of his truck “before I even got my door open.” He continued saying “I was just standing for myself as a citizen,” he told the station, “and if you can’t do that on a street, then what can you do?”

Adam Haner was seen on video revving the engine of his truck and slowly rolling the vehicle forward until he speeds away all while people from the group can be seen running up to the vehicle, kicking and shouting at it. Just moments before he drove off, someone from the crowd was seen punching and jumping his girlfriend, who was identified in reports as Tammie Martin.

Shortly before 10:30 p.m. Sunday, police responded to a 911 call from someone who reported that protesters “chased a white Ford” 4×4 truck, which then crashed in the downtown area, according to a department press release. A caller told police an estimated nine to 10 people began “beating the guy,” the caller stated. “Investigators learned that the victim may have been trying to help a transgender female who had some of her things stolen in the area … where this incident began,” police said late Monday. Adam Haner, who was still unconscious when police arrived, was taken to a local hospital and was later released. He is now home recovering. It’s not clear if police are seeking any additional suspects in connection with the attack, but on Wednesday, Portland Police Bureau Captain Tina Jones told Fox News, “We are investigating any criminal acts in relation to this incident.”

Portland authorities said that not only has he been violent in this demonstration over the weekend but that he has a lengthy criminal record that includes arrests for domestic assault and criminal trespass. This very special buttercup here Marquise Love, 25, has been arrested in Washington County, Ore., which borders Portland to the west, seven times since 2012, according to records provided to Fox News. How is he still on the streets? Because the people in charge don’t give a crap about the citizens or peace. They let this scumbag get away with crime over, and over again. He needs to be locked up for 15-20 years. Let him really sit somewhere in prison, and reflect on his behavior, and how he literally almost killed a man, and how a Kick seen viral by the entire internet will have changed both the life of his victim, and his. But check out how much work this moron has put in on being a badass Antifa pussy.

In 2017, he was arrested for domestic assault and domestic harassment. He wasn’t prosecuted, The New York Post reported, but a judge signed a protective order against him.

His rap sheet also includes two separate arrests in 2016 for providing false information in connection with the transfer of a firearm, and domestic assault and criminal trespass. In 2015, Love was arrested for interfering with public transportation.

In 2014, a Washington County court established Love’s paternity of a child in a domestic relations case and he also was charged with a probation violation in an unrelated case. In that case, he initially was stopped for doing tricks on a bicycle while blocking traffic. The bicycle didn’t have brakes, according to an arrest report.

Love was arrested twice in 2012 — once for second-degree theft, and again for interfering with public transportation and criminal trespass. He pleaded guilty to the public transportation charge, the newspaper reported. The criminal trespass charge was dismissed, according to records.

He was sentenced to 18 months probation and a $500 fine, of which $400 was later converted into community service. He still owes thousands in unpaid fines from various convictions.

Love also has arrests in other counties throughout the state. He was convicted in Clatsop County in 2016 for driving without a valid driver’s license and without insurance.

In Multnomah County, home to Portland, he was convicted in August 2016 of causing unreasonable noise with a motor vehicle, driving with a suspended license and not having insurance, vehicle registration or proper license plates. He was most recently convicted there in February 2019 for failing to appear in court for driving with a suspended or revoked license.

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