White woman who was filmed pulling a gun on a black woman in a restaurant parking lot

Now I know it’s being reported everywhere as a “White woman who was filmed pulling a gun on a black woman in a restaurant parking lot” And the reports are that it happened “after they bumped into her.” While the white couple was arrested and charged with assault! Assault!!! Folks they did NOTHING wrong here, and when you watch the video it becomes as clear as day! This is self defense all the way… Now the “Black” lady yells at one of them “ILL BEAT YOUR WHITE ASS TOO” before the gun is pulled, and wasn’t letting them “Leave peacefully” so in fear for herself, and husband’s safety she pulls a gun out. CONSIDERING how violent people are, and especially the white lady who’s PREGNANT during this whole thing. IMAGINE?

This could only happen in a violent and very fucked up Socialist/Democrat agenda driven world where people are motivated to create a scene! Right now so it makes sense what happens here because people are scared… I don’t care what color they all are. This is a situation that to me smells like someone took advantage of a moment started to record video when it was convenient for them. Just look at the video the white couple is just trying to leave.

Jillian Wuestenberg, 32, and Eric Wuestenberg, 42, were charged Thursday with felonious assault, Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper said in a release. It was not immediately clear when they would be arraigned or if they have attorneys who could comment on the allegations. Cellphone video captured the confrontation Wednesday outside a Chipotle in Orion Township, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) northwest of Detroit.

Jillian Wuestenberg can be seen outside her vehicle shouting ‘get the (expletive) away! Get away!’ while pointing a handgun. She eventually gets back in her vehicle which is driven away by her husband. Sheriff Michael Bouchard told reporters that the couple is from Independence Township and both have concealed pistol licenses. Deputies seized two handguns from the couple after they were detained Wednesday night following the encounter.

Get it they’re legally packing concealed pistols, and are fully licensed to have them. So no laws were broken by them, and they didn’t shoot anyone. They simply wanted to leave, and were not being allowed, and got threatened with bodily harm. Again why are they arrested? But this is Socialist/Left Oakland and Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper is one left leaning socialist Democrat who hates Guns, and would love it more if they had no gun, and got assaulted. But to black folks who are with this attitude in public this “I’m gonna beat your ass” threats need to stop. The Wuestenberg couple were in every right to defend themselves.

The three-minute video posted online shows part of the interaction. Takelia Hill, who is black, said that it happened after the white woman bumped into Hill’s teenage daughter Makayla as they were entering the fast food restaurant. So the Hills say. But notice the back talk, and how RUDE the daughter is. She instigated this entire thing.

Speaking to The Detroit News, Makayla said: ‘Before I could walk into Chipotle, this woman was coming out and I had moved out the way so she can walk out.

‘She bumped me and I said, ‘Excuse you.’ And then she started cussing me out and saying things like I was invading her personal space.’ The teenager called her mother over. ‘I walked up on the woman yelling at my daughter,’ Hill said. ‘She couldn’t see me because her back was to me, but she was in my daughter’s face.’ All this is hearsay and not collaborated by anyone… In other words it’s a case of her word against… I’ve bumped into others before, and have had them bump into me. You don’t argue back on something that stupid with “EXCUSE YOU!” That’s not how CIVIL people handle a situation… Now you want to escalate a situation pull out a cell phone, start recording AFTER the fact, and block people from getting to their cars, and yelling at them like a crazy person. Personally I see nothing wrong in the reaction to pull out the gun and telling them to move, and let them leave. Nobody got hurt, and the couple did from the looks of it left. Without shooting anyone.

How many videos have we not seen of riots, and people shooting this last couple of months? People are scared, and packing guns. This is what SOCIALISM looks like… This is why they want to take our gun rights away… So people can be violent, and those trying just to leave become victims? Hill and her daughter can be seen arguing with Jillian Wuestenberg about how she had allegedly bumped into the daughter. ‘She did something wrong, she needs to apologize,’ Hill can be heard saying. ‘You’re blocking me from getting in my car,’ Wuestenberg replies. Husband Eric Wuestenberg then proceeds to get out and open the door for the woman to get in as Hill and her daughter accuse her of being ‘ignorant’ and a ‘dumb a** b****’. Hill and her daughter can be seen arguing with Jillian Wuestenberg about how she had allegedly bumped into the daughter.

‘She did something wrong, she needs to apologize,’ Hill can be heard saying. ‘You’re blocking me from getting in my car,’ Wuestenberg replies. Husband Eric Wuestenberg then proceeds to get out and open the door for the woman to get in as Hill and her daughter accuse her of being ‘ignorant’ and a ‘dumb a** b****’.

The two women then implore the husband to ‘do something’, to which he replies: ‘Who the f*** do you guys think you are? You called her names, she did nothing to you.’ As Eric Wuestenberg goes to get back in the car, the daughter can be heard telling him: ‘You’re very racist and ignorant.’ Notice this the man has said NOTHING racist or ignorant to them. But all of a sudden he’s a racist only cause he’s white? So now it’s always the RACE CARD being played? Again NOTHING racist is ever said by the white couple. As the altercation continues, the woman says from the passenger seat of the car: ‘You can’t just walk around calling white people racist. This is not that type of world. White people aren’t racist, no one is racist.’

As Hill continues to ask the woman why she bumped her daughter, she responds: ‘I care about you and I’m sorry if you’ve had an incident where someone has made you feel like that.’ The car window is wound up and the pair go to drive away. Hill is then seen behind the car and appears to punch the vehicle’s back window. It is unclear from the video how Hill came to be behind the car. According to Hill, she thought the driver of the car was attempting to hit them so she knocked on the back window of his SUV to stop him. Yeah ok so “LET ME STAND BEHIND HER CAR SO I CAN THAN ACCUSE THEM OF TRYING TO HIT ME!” This is what that really should say.

In the clip, she is heard saying: ‘Get away!’ Hill then replies: ‘She got the gun on me, she was about to hit me with the car. Call them, get the license plate. Get the license plate now! Cause you were about to hit me with the car?’

Wuestenberg says: ‘Don’t you f***ing jump behind my car!’, shouting repeatedly: ‘Get the f*** back!’ pointing the gun straight at the victim. She screams at people to get away from her and her vehicle. A woman shouts, ‘She’s got a gun on me!’ and urges someone in the parking lot to call the police. Wuestenberg then lowers the gun, climbs into the passenger seat and the vehicle drives off… Hill said her other two daughters were in the car at the time of the altercation, which has left the family traumatized. Cooper, the prosecutor, said that her office viewed the available video and looked at the facts before filing charges.

‘It is an unfortunate set of circumstances that tempers run high over, basically, not much of an incident,’ she said of the initial alleged spark that caused the confrontation. Bouchard said people are ‘picking sides’ and that threatening calls were made to the sheriff’s office dispatch center after the videos were posted online. ‘We don´t see sides. We see facts,’ he said. Which is total bullshit because if ANYTHING the mother, and daughter should be facing the “Assault charges” and possible “Entrapment, and kidnapping” had she not pulled out the gun the rude black lady looks like she could have become violent for no reason.

‘There’s a lot of tension in our society, a lot of tension among folks and people with each other. Mostly created by the media, and this sudden case of black people can do anything and white people get charged NO MATTER what! Look at what happened with the MISSOURI COUPLE THAT BRANDISHED GUNS AT PROTESTERS IN FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES? The law is trying to throw them in prison for protecting themselves, and home. The law is now protecting the lawless, and not the innocent folks.

‘I would just say this, we are asking and expect our police and rightfully so to deescalate every situation they possibly can, and we should be doing that. But I would say that needs to happen with us individually in our own lives and situations, that we interact with each other and deescalate those moments.’ That’s fine but if you feel your life in in danger, and you’re licensed to carry, and you pull out without shooting anyone why are they being arrested? They’re simply trying to leave in peace.

I’ve had a black person do this to me once, and if I had been in fear for myself I would do the same thing, and pull out the gun. The white couple is 100% in their right, and shouldn’t face any charges. The law is on the wrong side here. The white lady was also holding her stomach because she’s PREGNANT! So not only was she in fear for herself but her baby! These two do not deserve to be in jail. The black mother does, and her daughter needs mental help. They’re the racist here NOT the white couple.

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