Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A boy danced on a street corner in Missouri late night on July 3

The victim a 12 years old kid who took the sucker punch fell to the ground and started bleeding from a wound to the head! Good lord he could have easily killed this boy, and in the video it shows the boy sitting on the street corner for about 10 seconds, grasping his face, before standing up and bending down in clear pain. Possibly has a concussion out of this.

Friends of the boy took him to a local hospital, where he began recovering, police reported… “He was able to tell officers at the hospital that he did not know the suspect and he and his friends did not have any disputes that would have led to this encounter,” Hann stated.

After the boy was hit, a man sitting on the sidewalk shouted, “Hey!” and ran after the suspect, but it was too late as the perpetrator got in the car and sped off.

The man who unsuccessfully chased the suspect identified himself to as Michael “Crank” Curry and the person who posted the video on Facebook. Curry said the victim is named Ethan and goes by the nickname Eman.

The victim and a shorter boy in the video who witnessed the attack are students at Curry’s local dance studio, Hann later said, “This is a cowardly and disgusting act of inexcusable violence on one of our public streets and The Cape Girardeau Police would like to ensure that this suspect is safely apprehended.”

In a press released issued on Monday afternoon, the police department stated they identified the suspect as 27-year-old Cedric Charles Moore Jr of Cape Girardeau, based on video footage, and The Police officers went to Moore’s home and other location he is known to visit but his friends and family were not cooperative. Like you can expect nobody seen him right? lol So this asshole almost kills a kid but none of his family member is brave enough to say something, and make him pay for what he done to this kid. But I bet if it was done to him the entire country would riot over this scumbag. The department has issued a warrant for Moore, who is being chased with second degree felony assault and first degree felony child endangerment.

His bond has been set at $50,000, cash and honestly that’s not enough this idiot needs to stay behind bars for a long time.. “The public has understandably expressed a desire to see Moore charged with a hate crime for this heinous crime but in accordance with state statutes, this charge would only apply if the assault was categorized to a lesser degree, which would not be in the best interest of seeking true justice for the victim,” states the release provided to The Sun by Hann.

Police are continuing to look for Moore at places he frequented and say that “anyone harboring Moore could be criminally charged.” … The way it should be. I hope when they catch this fucktard he gets a long prison stay, and is raped many many times over so he knows how it feels to be a victim of a violent crime.

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