A 16-year shot dead in CHOP!

A 16-year-old boy shot dead after driving into barrier at CHOP as cops release footage of gunmen prowling streets inside the zone on the night he died (CHOP) zone has been named as Antonio Mays Jr. He was killed in the early hours of Monday morning after eyewitnesses say the area’s armed security fired at the Jeep his was driving. A 14-year-old boy was also critically wounded in the shooting. Seattle police on Wednesday reclaimed their precinct in the city’s ‘occupied’ protest zone after the mayor finally issued an early morning executive order to vacate the area.

Ending early what she called “The Summer of LOVE” a video documenting the acts of love or um violence inside CHOP over the last few weeks. Gunmen are seen prowling through the area on the night of Mays Jr’s death. One eyewitness said 300 rounds were fired on the night of his killing… The epic number 300 STRIKES BACK! Is this a Zack Snyder movie?

His death marked the second fatal shooting in the area after a 19-year-old Lorenzo Anderson was killed on June 20. This has lead to reports that Seattle Mayor Durkan Very is Upset that CHOP’s ‘Summer of Love’ Has Landed at Her House. LMAO! She asked for it… She embraced it… She named it… She now has blood on her hands She needs to own this, and needs to go to PRISON!

Guys this is heart breaking to see these kids dead because of failed DemocRATS in Seattle who did NOTHING not even allow the police or President to come in and stop this! Folks the Chop Summer of Blood is responsible for this. Blood is on the hands of the mayor, and congresswoman. Check out this video on Hannity speaking about 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson who again was killed in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone. OR The CHOP! This kid was black, and special needs according to his dad… So why isn’t anyone else talking about this? His life doesn’t matter? This is heartbreaking guys… Even I cried watching this video. This should show us all that these protest, and riots, and evil democRATS have blood on their hands.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has been very tolerant of the city’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP. For weeks now, CHOP has squatted on land it doesn’t own and violated the constitutional rights of the 30,000 Americans who live on that land 24/7. Durkan doesn’t care. She called CHOP the “summer of love” shortly before it became a season of slaughter: Three people have died in the CHOP, including a teenager this past weekend. Residents who did not choose to live in CHOP — they didn’t cross its borders, CHOP’s borders crossed them — now live in fear of Wokistan’s thought police backed by the zone’s armed warlord.

Durkan has said she would send in the city crews and police to dismantle CHOP, but so far she has not. CHOP, the segregationist, secessionist confederacy of woke campus radicals and others, remains. But it seems that even a mass squatting protest that makes national headlines — mostly detrimental to whatever cause they’re pushing — has not attracted enough attention. Earlier today CHOP took its protest straight to the mayor’s house. The Blaze reports Mayor Durkan was upset.

Durkan released a statement expressing her anger at the protest. She was especially upset that Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant had joined the protesters at her home.

“Mayor Durkan and her family are in the state program to keep their address confidential because of the death threats mostly related to her work as Seattle’s U.S. Attorney under President Obama. Instead of working to make true change, Councilmember Sawant continues to choose political stunts,” read the statement from her office.

“Tonight she did so without regard for the safety of the Mayor and her family. The Mayor was not even home — she was working at City Hall. Seattle can and should peacefully demonstrate but should not put families and children at risk,” the statement concluded. So it’s fine with Mayor Durkan if you are subjected to threats and have your free speech and other constitutional rights violated for days and weeks on end. She has allowed this condition to fester for thousands of Seattle residents.

But show up to protest on her doorstep? That’s crossing the line! But she isn’t alone in need of some Prison time… Council Member Kshama Sawant, a self-described socialist, is accused of using her position as a city official “in violation of law.” See now this is something that is hilarious as the two are starting to point fingers at where it all went wrong inside of CHOP. Seattle’s Democratic mayor is calling for the City Council to investigate a socialist council member over her “contemptuous behavior” during anti-police protests and other alleged abuses of office.

Mayor Jenny Durkan is accusing Council Member Kshama Sawant of allowing hundreds of protesters into City Hall after hours and without following coronavirus health guidelines, marching protesters to the mayor’s home and encouraging protesters to occupy the city’s East Precinct, along with raising a handful of ethics concerns.

In an email to City Council President Lorena Gonzalez, the mayor argued that Sawant, a self-described socialist, is using her position as a city official “in violation of law” and for “recklessly” undermining other people’s safety “for political theater.” Durkan cited city law that allows the council to “punish or expel” a member for “disorderly or otherwise contemptuous behavior” — in this case spearheading a protest at Durkan’s home, which is supposed to be at a secret location due to a state confidentiality program and safety concerns. The mayor has received threats in connection with her previous role as U.S. attorney.

Sawant allegedly led a crowd of protesters to Durkan’s home and delivered a speech outside over the weekend. “All of us have joined hundreds of demonstrations across the city, but Council Member Sawant and her followers chose to do so with reckless disregard of the safety of my family and children,” Durkan wrote.

She has recently called for Durkan’s resignation in response to protests in the city over the death of George Floyd, who died in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25. She has also criticized the Seattle Police Department for its handling of the unrest. But to be honest like I said both these women should be in prison, and both have blood on their hands. This is beyond pathetic if this is allowed to happen, and they go unpunished, and get to keep their jobs.

The city pulled police out of the East Precinct building earlier this month after violent protests in the immediate area, and the space has since become the so-called Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP.

Demonstrators moved in and set up what they called a “cop-free zone.”

Police say emergency response times in the area have tripled and that officers are only responding to “life-threatening” incidents within the CHOP. Since it was established, there have been at least four shootings, two of which left a 19-year-old and a 16-year-old dead in separate incidents. In response to the 16-year-old’s death Monday morning, Sawant tweeted that the killing “highlights capitalism’s brutality & endemic violence.”

“Our movement rejects insinuations & falsehoods perpetuated by corporate & conservative media that this violence is outcome of CHOP or of our movement,” she wrote. Monday, Fox News correspondent Dan Springer and his crew escaped a heated confrontation with agitators in the CHOP after a mob forced them to skip a live report and abandon their vehicle. Separately, the city announced that it would temporarily close Cal Anderson Park, at the heart of the CHOP, Tuesday at midnight to assess the damage and remove litter after three weeks of occupied protests. Durkan has seemingly flipped her position on the CHOP protesters, referring to the occupation early on as a “block party” before announcing last week that the city would dismantle the encampment following an outbreak of violence and crime.

Demonstrators derailed efforts to dismantle the CHOP last week when they laid down in the street to block transportation crews and heavy machinery from removing barricades around the occupied zone. Workers returned Tuesday and removed some of the concrete roadblocks.

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