Miami activist ‘touches hearts’ of FHP trooper, White House during protests against police brutality

Miami activist ‘touches hearts’ of FHP trooper, White House during protests against police brutality… Like him I lost my mother not long ago, and watching video of people looting local business owned by our own people hurt nobody but Mothers, and Fathers, and our local people. These cops are not the badguys. The man who killed George Floyd is a badguy, and others who watched, and did nothing are badguys. They and only they should be held accountable, and let the law deal with them. They need their day in court, and let’s deal with this in a CIVIL, and human way. Not by hurting each other like caged wild animals.

Watch the President speak about the events which we have been watching on tv just yesterday on Monday.

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing, and speaks on what’s happening, and watch as the first question by the press to her starts with a lie by the PRESS! The is being FUELED by the left, and the MEDIA! But like the PRO she is she “She clobbered those gotcha questions with a breeze.” As one person posted in the comments on the video.

Watch as Florida Highway Patrol trooper breaks the line to hug Miami longtime activist from r/Miami

This story should get more attention, and it’s not… I posted here because this is what this country needs right now. More love, and less leftist hate. Check out the Reddit on this, and leave a comment on my site below.

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