Friday, April 10, 2020

Andrew Cuomo admitted Trump was right about one thing that left Democrats fuming

Andrew Cuomo the new “flavor of the month” in the Socialist Democrppy Party, and the “The Fake News Media” loves themselves some Andrew Cuomo! They rub their nipples with each of his daily press conferences and many pundits believe Democrats want to switch out Joe Biden for Cuomo in the General Election. Even tho he’s not ran or even rallied for the job.

But Andrew Cuomo admitted Trump was right about one thing that left Democrats fuming, and yes this isn’t shocking since Trump has been right all along on this… But there is now ample evidence the drug hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating the invisible nightmare known as Covid19.

President Trump promotes the drug on a daily basis and the Fake News Media falsely claims the President is a con artist promoting a “risky” drug even though the FDA approved hydroxychloroquine for treating other diseases meaning it is safe to take. But that doesn’t stop the FAKE NEWS!

During one of his most recent press conferences Governor Cuomo backed up President Trump in saying there was some proof that hydroxychloroquine was effective in treating coronavirus.

“There are a lot of people who are relying on this, who were relying on it. People with lupus, etc. The tests in the hospital, they won’t say that they are . . . they’re too short a period of time to get a scientific report. You know, hospital administrators, doctors, want to give . . . have a significant data set before they give a formal opinion,” Governor Cuomo said. “Anecdotally, you’ll get suggestions that it has been effective, but we don’t have any official data yet from a hospital, or a quote unquote study, which will take weeks if not months before you get an official study.”

The Governor continued, “There has been anecdotal evidence that it is promising, that’s why we’re going ahead. Doctors have to prescribe, but there are some people who have pre-existing conditions where it doesn’t work, or they’re taking medication that’s not consistent with this treatment. But anecdotally it’s been positive.”

The Fake News Media rails against hydroxychloroquine because they don’t want President Trump to be right about anything, and they also want to the economy to stay shuttered as long as possible to deny the President any chance at economic growth heading into the November election. And an effective therapeutic is a major key to reopening the economy.

The last thing the Fake News Media wants is for a drug President Trump touted to turn out to be therapeutic.

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