LMAO! Trump Crouching behind podium to mock Bloomberg’s height!

Classic humor by the President as he dug deep at mini Mike Bloomberg on Saturday drawing laughter from the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland.

Trump was recounting the 5’7″ Democratic presidential candidate’s evisceration at his first debate in Las Vegas last week specifically noting Elizabeth Warren’s sharp opening barbs directed at him.

“She was really mean to Mini Mike,” Trump said. “The way she treated him, he didn’t know what hit him.

“He’s going, ‘Oh, get me off of this stage,” Trump went on, at that point dropping down so only the top of his rust-colored coiffure could be seen poking atop the podium.

“Get me off! Get me off of this stage!” he mimicked…. “It’s true. It’s true,” he said as the crowd howled.

Warren’s swipe at Bloomberg had also struck at Trump, though.

“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against, a billionaire who calls women ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse-faced lesbians,’” the Massachusetts senator said at the debate. “And, no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”

FUNNY STUFF FOLKS! Check out the full video of the CPAC2020 below!

He also took a shot at late night show host Bill Maher. IF YOU MISSED THIS! Here is the clip.

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