Crowd turns on Mayor Pete!

Oh come now Pete how you gonna run the country if you can’t handle a heckler? I mean this guy is such a joke. He starting to lose the crowd early today in a town hall in Des Moines, Iowa. While not many in the media wanna report this! Because you know he’s a “darling” of people like “Anderson Cooper” “Don Lemon” “Rachel Maddow” I think you get where I’m going there. But the Media knows he’s got no chance to win the oval office.

Crowd turns on Mayor Pete!

He’s still in the race because literally nobody on the left is worthy of being nominated. NOT 1 single good or even decent candidate folks… But you know it’s bad when you draw a small crowd in a town hall style meeting, and people in the crowd turns on you. Here below is some of that footage.

full video!

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